السبت، 15 أكتوبر 2011

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الجمعة، 14 أكتوبر 2011

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Contrary to common belief, paying the outstanding amount does not remove the listing from your credit file. The credit provider would be obliged to update the listing to paid, however the listing itself would still appear on your credit file, and would be visible to any company doing a credit check on you. Unless the default was invalidly listed in the first place, which is fairly uncommon, then the default will stay for five or seven years, whether you pay it or not. EDITOR: thanks for the comment Chris, havent check credit Denver seen any comments by you for a while I think it is very important that every person in the world learns to manage his finances well. People taking huge loans are unable to repay the amount back to lenders. So be well aware what you are getting into before you take a loan or apply for a credit card. credit free score

Ok, I split from my wife for reason not stated here. And in the check credit Denver process I had a mobile phone account and a Mastercard account with Virgin.

When I moved out I changed my address with the Mastercard but not the mobile, as she said she check credit Denver would pay it off as she smashed the mobile (long story). So from my first move to my second place, I never got the final bill for the mobile. So this then went to a collection agency (the black mark). Once I got this final demand letter I paid it straight away. annual credit report free Now after been check credit Denver rejected for a loan I got a hold of my check credit Denver file and this was the problem. please help me Similar to the last story..PLEASE HELP ..separated from my ex wife 3 yrs ago. about a year ago i applied for a check credit Denver loan and was rejected.

Upon getting a copy of my credit file, 1 check credit Denver unresolved matter.

Turned out to be a water board bill check credit Denver unpaid from waaaay back. I then applied at several financial institutions and was rejected again. This time there was a small amount owing on a joint credit card I had with my check credit Denver ex wife, also years back, but hadnt shown up on the previous report i paid for. The institution check credit Denver doesnt say precisely what caused the NO answer, they just said a couple of things on my report. free credit report with credit score I have no outstanding items on my credit file, i have no credit cards, I am on $92000 gross and want $30k over check credit Denver 5 years.

I have enough to cover the loan without question and yet am being rejected for measly sums that were paid the second I was made aware of them. Am I stuffed for 5 years now and unable to borrow, because my file is black marked, included rejected loan applicatoins?

الخميس، 13 أكتوبر 2011

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الأربعاء، 12 أكتوبر 2011

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